error:Query execution was interrupted
sql:SELECT DISTINCT ts.shopcd, te.webcd, ts.salelimit, coalesce(tws.web_sale_count, 0) as web_sale_count , te.itemnm, te.transsize, te.patterncd, te.colorcd1, te.colorcd2, te.colorcd3, te.sizecd, te.brandcd, mi.largecd, mi.middlecd, mi.smallcd,, ts.pretaxprice, ts.pretaxsaleprice, ts.price, ts.saleprice, ts.webrate, mp.patternnm, mc1.colornm as colornm_1, mc2.colornm as colornm_2, mc3.colornm as colornm_3, mb.brandnm, mb.brandreading, ml.largenm, mm.middlenm, ms.smallnm, msz.sizenm, mb.ordernum as b_ordernum, ml.ordernum as l_ordernum, mm.ordernum as m_ordernum, ms.ordernum as s_ordernum, swc.new_days, swc.list_type, swc.list_soldout_display_flg, sei.display_flg, sei.display_term_from, sei.display_term_to, sei.display_term_time_from, sei.display_term_time_to , sei.explanation, sei.sup_explanation, sei.keyword , sei.zero_display, sei.zero_display_days, sei.negotiation, sei.cart_flg, sei.deliv_date_shitei, sei.list_photo_flg, sei.detail_flg, sei.price_type, datediff(now(), sei.display_term_from) as display_days, datediff(now(), te.zerodate) as zerodate_past_days, img.image_no, img2.image_no as image_no2 from t_exhibit te inner join m_item mi on (left(te.webcd, 10) = mi.webcd) left join t_stock ts on (ts.webcd = te.webcd) left outer join shop_web_config swc on swc.shop_code = 'H' left outer join ( select webcd, sum(salequantity) as web_sale_count from t_websale where delflg = 1 group by webcd ) tws on (ts.webcd = tws.webcd) left outer join shop_item_ec_image img on ( left(te.webcd, 10) = img.web_code and img.image_type=1 and img.image_no = 1 ) left outer join shop_item_ec_image img2 on ( left(te.webcd, 12) = img2.web_code and img2.image_type=1 and img2.image_no = 1 ) left outer join m_pattern mp on (te.patterncd = mp.patterncd) left outer join m_size msz on (te.sizecd = msz.sizecd) left outer join m_color mc1 on (te.colorcd1 = mc1.colorcd) left outer join m_color mc2 on (te.colorcd2 = mc2.colorcd) left outer join m_color mc3 on (te.colorcd3 = mc3.colorcd) left outer join m_brand mb on (te.brandcd = mb.brandcd) left outer join m_large ml on (mi.largecd = ml.largecd) left outer join m_middle mm on (mi.largecd = mm.largecd and mi.middlecd = mm.middlecd) left outer join m_small ms on (mi.largecd = ms.largecd and mi.middlecd = ms.middlecd and mi.smallcd = ms.smallcd) left outer join shop_item_ec_info sei on (left(te.webcd, 10) = sei.item_id) where ( exists (select * from shop_item_ec_image where web_code = left(te.webcd, 10) and image_type = 1) or exists (select * from shop_item_ec_image where web_code = left(te.webcd, 12) and image_type = 1) ) and ( exists (select * from shop_item_ec_image where web_code = left(te.webcd, 10) and image_type = 2) or exists (select * from shop_item_ec_image where web_code = left(te.webcd, 12) and image_type = 2) ) and ts.shopcd = 'H' and sei.display_flg = '1' and ( sei.display_flg = '0' or ( ( sei.display_term_from < DATE(NOW()) or ( sei.display_term_from = DATE(NOW()) and ( sei.display_term_time_from IS NULL or sei.display_term_time_from <= TIME(NOW()) ) ) ) and ( sei.display_term_to > DATE(NOW()) or ( sei.display_term_to = DATE(now()) and ( sei.display_term_time_to IS NULL or sei.display_term_time_to >= TIME(NOW()) ) ) ) ) ) and swc.shop_code is not null and swc.list_type_flg != 0 and swc.list_count_flg != 0 and swc.list_type != 0 and swc.list_count != 0 and ( te.zerodate is null or (sei.zero_display = 1 ) or ( te.zerodate is not null and (sei.zero_display = 2 or sei.zero_display = 3) and datediff(now(), te.zerodate) < sei.zero_display_days) ) and ( ifnull(ts.salelimit, 0) - ifnull(tws.web_sale_count, 0) > 0 or (sei.zero_display = 1) or ( ifnull(ts.salelimit, 0) - ifnull(tws.web_sale_count, 0) <= 0 and (sei.zero_display = 2 or sei.zero_display = 3) and sei.zero_display_days > 0 ) ) and te.itemid = '0' order by sei.upd_date desc