error:Query execution was interrupted
sql:SELECT blog_article.article_id, blog_article.blog_id, blog_article.user_id, blog_article.title, blog_article.body, blog_article.comment_type, blog_article.ping_default_send, blog_article.ping_original_send, blog_article.status, blog_article.delete_status, blog_article.posting_date, blog_article.ins_date, blog_article.upd_date, blog_article.disp_on_product, blog_article.twitter_pub, blog.blog_name, blog.path_name, ( select concat(' ', group_concat(bc.category_id SEPARATOR ' '), ' ') from blog_category bc where bc.category_id in ( select category_id from blog_article_category bac where bac.article_id = blog_article.article_id ) ) category_ids, ( select concat(' ', group_concat( SEPARATOR ' '), ' ') from blog_category bc where bc.category_id in ( select category_id from blog_article_category bac where bac.article_id = blog_article.article_id ) ) category_names, shop_admin_user.user_name, sys_domain.domain FROM blog_article JOIN blog ON blog.blog_id = blog_article.blog_id JOIN sys_domain ON blog.shop_code = sys_domain.shop_code LEFT JOIN shop_admin_user ON shop_admin_user.user_id = blog_article.user_id WHERE blog_article.delete_status = 0 AND blog.shop_code = 'H' AND blog_article.posting_date <= '2025-01-03 09:49' ORDER BY blog_article.posting_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10 ;